Invoker a DOTA2 profil v novém patchi - 19.1
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Článek Invoker a DOTA2 profil v novém patchi - 19.1

Invoker a DOTA2 profil v novém patchi - 19.1



20. 1. 2012 11:42

Jak už je u VALVE zvykem, opět po týdnu vyšel nový patch. Tentokrát byl přidán jeden nový hrdina, nesoucí jméno Invoker a dále byly přidány každému uživateli vlastní DOTA2 profily.

Na vašem DOTA2 profilu se můžete dozvědět spustu věcí, jako jsou:
- Nejvíce úspěšní hrdinové
- Nedávno hraní hrdinové
- Historie her
- Počet výher
- Odkazy na vaše replaye
- Komentáře které jste obdrželi





DOTA2 profil:


DOTA2 Game history:


Tlačítko "LEAVE PARTY":


Další info:

Dále nás VALVE obeznámilo s tím, co chystají v příštím nebo přespříštím updatu. Budou měnit formát REPLAY souborů na lepší. Toto bude mít za příčinu, že staré formáty replayů nepůjdou pustit na nové verzi hry.

Tak se tedy ujistěte, že veškeré momenty ze hry, které chcete uchovat, máte již přehrané a převedené do formátu videa.


Další grafické změny:

Tiny s předmětem "Ultimate Scepter"

Grafické úpravy aur.


Kompletní anglický changelog:



Enabled Invoker!

Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture not hurting heroes when they blink.

Bounty Hunter: Fixed Track ignoring Linken's Sphere.

Morphling: Fixed Morph removing Curse of the Silent.

Puck: Fixed Ethereal Jaunt from triggering Last Word/Magic Stick.

Puck: Fixed Phase Shift autocasting if you were already stunned before.

Puck: Fixed being able to move in certain situations while auto-casting Phase Shift.

Silencer: Fixed being unable to steal Int from dying magic immune heroes.

Silencer: Fixed Last Word silencing invulnerable units.

Silencer: Fixed stealing intelligence from Reincarnating heroes.

Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness picking units that are invisible or in the fow when it tries to find a new target.

Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness ignoring Hex.

Spiritbreaker: Fixed Greater Bash working with illusions

Spiritbreaker: Fixed Greater Bash bonus damage working on Towers, Wards and Denies

Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness and Greater Bash going through Magic Immunity

Storm Spirit: Fixed Ball Lightning costing draining more mana if you cast it again while still in it.

Tiny: Ultimate Scepter upgrade is now enabled.

Tiny: Fixed Toss damaging allied units.

Fixed Dagon int bonus being off by 1.

Fixed Arcane Boots giving 300 mana instead of 250.

Fixed night vision radius being a little smaller than intended.

Standing right next to a tree no longer removes its vision obstruction.

Silencer: Fixed Global Silence silencing only heroes.

Enabled Silencer and Spirit Breaker in Captain's Mode.

Fixed Healing Ward and Windrunner auras' sticky durations to 2.5 seconds.

Fixed Dagon's incorrect intelligence bonus values.

Fixed Heaven's Halbred's disarm allowing attack-spells to be cast through it.

Fixed Orchid using the old values at the new price.

Fixed Pipe not costing any mana.

Fixed Flying Courier HP not being upgraded after the last update



Added Steam avatars to the dashboard.

Added Dota Profile page to the main menu, showing your personal match history, commendations and most successful heroes.

Fixed a bug where your control could be lost if you were selecting a enchanted/converted unit. It now goes back to your hero.

Party area of miniprofile now uses Steam avatars.

Party area of miniprofile now shows rich presence for friends

Party area of miniprofile now shows "View Steam Profile" link for non-friends

Party chat channel automatically gets focus when you join a party

Added a '*' to channel tabs with pending messages

Fixed being able to sell back an item for full price if it was combined using an item that had an active ability.

Added spacebar to pause games during replays.

Fixed clicking on the minimap border and then dragging into the minimap resulting in the camera getting stuck to the cursor.

Chat channels now get deleted if the last member in the channel goes offline.

Fixed clicking on blank space in the UI sending move orders to invalid locations.

Default private lobby version is now Tournament Mode.

When player names draw they now draw with player color instead of white.

Added leave party button in mini profile.

Now when attempting to cast-attack a target while hard disarmed, the error message "Can't Attack" will appear when you reach attack range of the target.

Holding now spotlights your hero.

Illusions now copy the number of charges in source unit's inventory items.

Fixed Courier purchase having no cooldown (now 7 seconds, primarily for accidental purchases early on).



Fixed bots repurchasing a courier when their courier died.

Fixed a case where bots would buy duplicate flying courier recipes.

Improved Earthshaker bot's Echoslam logic -

he'll now search for optimal places to Blink + Echoslam.

Made bots better about detecting attacking units without cheating and detecting other units' right-clicks.

Fixed Windrunner's buildout which broke due to the new Orchid recipe build. Also added force staff to her build.


Tak co líbí se vám Invoker? Co říkáte na tento patch? 
Já osobně jsem spokojen, Invokera mám velmi rád, sice v Dotě 1 jsem ho nehrál, protože jsem měl problémy s hotkeyes. Takže myslím, že Invoker se teď staně hodně oblíbeným hrdinou, jak pro mě tak i pro ostatní.




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